Forever Bee Pollen


Maximum order quantity is 10 pieces.

Bee pollen is made by bees collecting pollen from flowers and plants and mixing it with nectar and special enzymes. The Forever bee pollen is collected in a special collection system that hangs at the entrance to the hive. When a bee enters the hive, the pollen grains fall off her paws into the collection tray. This way, we can use the bee pollen and be sure that we can offer a pure product. Forever Bee Pollen can be used all year round.

Recommended daily allowance: 1 - 3 tablets.

Forever Bee Pollen NL from Forever Benelux HQ on Vimeo.

26 - Forever Bee Pollen - Forever Bee Products- Forever aloe vera jan2015

Note: Contains no artificial colors, flavors or fragrances. Gluten-free.


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